1879. Really, really dumb

Let’s face it: Melvyn was dumb. Even his teacher, who tried her best to be nice, thought he was dumb. “Your child is dumb,” she said to Melvyn’s parents. “Really, really dumb.” It made no difference, because Melvyn took after his parents. They were dumb too.

His teacher would spend half an hour explaining to her students why grass was green, and at the end of all this Melvyn would put up his hand and ask, “Miss, why is grass green?” Not just dumb, but aggravating. Away with the fairies.

His exercise books were incomprehensible. They were a mess of doodles and numbers. Call that arithmetic? Goodness gracious! The sooner this child left school and got a job clearing the city’s sewerage system the better.

Then one day, Melvyn put up his hand and asked the teacher, “What happens if, when you loop one quantum particle around another, you don’t get back to the same quantum state?”

The teacher told Melvyn to get back to doing his work.

Let’s face it: the teacher was dumb. Even Melvyn, who tried his best to be nice, thought she was dumb. “My teacher is dumb,” Melvyn said to his parents. “Really, really dumb.”

And indeed she was – in more ways than one.

40 thoughts on “1879. Really, really dumb

    1. Cloven Ruminant Post author

      Thanks for the comment. I’m not well-read enough to have “conquered” Douglas Hofstadter, but I suspect that all levels of intelligence are simply subjective measurements of what we are and are not ourselves. I am regarded as pretty intelligent but the one IQ test I ever sat I got 40! And I took it seriously! I will get on to Hofstadter before I waffle further!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. badfinger20 (Max)

    I knew a girl in school that was put in remedial classes… turns out her IQ was very high…she couldn’t see and finally got a teacher that…wasn’t dumb…I guess the squinting on the front row didn’t give it away.

    Away With Fairies: Not facing reality; in a dream-world.

    You teach me something every day Bruce…

    Liked by 2 people


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