3000. Shredded

Bruce looked at the pile of paper. The equivalent of six reams of paper lay in a heap, each sheet with a story. Three thousand stories! Goodness me! What a waste of paper!

Many of the characters in the stories had been callously murdered. Some had survived. There was little reason for any to survive. Bruce fed Story Number 1 into the shredder. Then Story Number 2. One by one the stories were shredded. There goes Dorothy! No one knows how she survived in the first place.

There goes Story Number 1743!  And Freddie! Goodness! Shred! Shred! And Lizzie!

Finally there was only one story left: Story Number 3000. It was about a fellow called Bruce.

With a smile the final story was fed into the shredder.


58 thoughts on “3000. Shredded

  1. chrisnelson61

    A suitable conclusion to all of your writing Bruce. I shall miss your dry wit and mischievous tale telling.

    But wait, here’s an idea – why not rummage through the shredded paper, take random pieces and place them together to make new stories!

    Just a thought!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sarah Angleton

    I’ve attempted to feed my computer through the shredder many times. I’ve never quite gotten it to work. I am sad that this is the end, but happy for you. What a wonderful body of work you have put into this space. I will revisit often.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Ordinary Person

    A bittersweet ending to a tremendous feat. It isn’t easy writing 3000 stories. I’m just sad that way too many know-it-alls were killed off in the process. The world needs more of them. Just kidding 😋 Wonderful Bruce.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      Thanks so much. You’ve certainly been a great friend over the years – and a great fiend! I still think “That would be a great story” but I’m forcing myself to not come back and it’s quite liberating. You have my email address if ever the need or desire arose or if you won the lottery and wanted to know where to send the money!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      It’s been a couple of months and I haven’t yet found a replacement time filler. BUT I AM DETERMINED! I am however halfway through the first movement of a symphony for orchestra – which I’m half pleased with! Hope you are well Matt.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. observationblogger

        Personally, I give you 4 more months – maximum, before you rekindle your passion for short story telling. Oops I may have jumped the gun…You caught me at ‘Symphony’. I imagine composing a Symphony would be more than an adequate ‘Time Filler’! Or is it that you miss the ‘Toing and froing’ with your readership? When will we be able to hear your symphony? What plans do you have for it, once it’s completed? That could take the term of one’s natural life, no?
        I was telling another friend Sharon who also has a ‘don’ for short story telling about your blog. She recently published a beautiful story called ‘Starfish’ which I’ll send a link to here if you are interested to read it:

        Starfish – A Short Story!

        Cheers friend.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Bruce Goodman Post author

          All possibilies are possible as to the future! Writing music is not quite as mystical as some might make out! I’m not exactly trying to create Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring! I’m inclined to gravitate towards a simpler kind of senario! Thanks for th link. I shall get onto it.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. observationblogger

            I always had this romantic perspective of how these composers constructed their great works. Now that has been obliterated hehe. I’ve got ‘Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring’ on as I write this. There’s one part that must have influenced John Williams in his composition of the Jaws soundtrack. Surely!
            Anyway Bruce I wish you well with your ‘post Short story’ endeavours. Cheers.

            Liked by 1 person

  4. observationblogger

    I was just telling our illustrious painter Gloria this morning that you had pulled up stumps on story writing. She was saddened to read that as I was. I’m glad you feel more liberated for the change. I will be in touch down the track via email. Cheers friend.



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