3004. Anniversary picnic

“After fourteen years of marriage we need something to liven up our relationship,” declared Neta to husband Morgan. “Next Saturday is our anniversary. Let’s go to Lake Placid and have a picnic. Just the two of us. It’s quiet and isolated and we can talk and reminisce and relax.”

Morgan was not keen, but in the end reluctantly consented to go. It was arranged. Neta packed a lovely picnic luncheon on Friday evening. They would leave for Lake Placid around ten in the morning. Let’s hope the day dawns fine.

It didn’t. It was hosing down. There was no way they could go on a picnic. The weather was cold, wet, and miserable.

Neta wondered what to do. She had made no alternative plan. She had arranged for Heaton, a professional human exterminator, to turn up at the lake around ten thirty with a loaded gun.

25 thoughts on “3004. Anniversary picnic

        1. Bruce Goodman Post author

          No – that is the old sheep shearing shed. The farm these days has only cattle, so the shearing shed has gone down hill and is not used for much. A neighbour rears a few calves in there for a few weeks, and the farmer lets us store our firewood in there!

          Liked by 1 person


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