3001. Cream in the tea

(I said I might post occasionally, so this is occasionally!)

Carmel thought it high time she visited her dear friend, Theodosia. Theodosia’s husband worked on an oil rig far out to sea. He made it to land perhaps once every few months. Carmel liked to stay in touch fairly regularly with Theodosia to “jolly things along”. It had been three long months since Theodosia  had seen or heard from her husband.

Theodosia was naturally delighted to see her friend. First things first. She boiled the kettle, set out a couple of cups, and then…

Oh dear! She didn’t have any cookies. “I’ll just pop to the nearby shop,” said Theodosia, “and grab a packet of something to nibble on.”

Carmel thought she might as well make herself useful while she waited for Theodosia’s return. She would pour the tea. There must be cream in the refrigerator. She opened the fridge door.

There was a man’s arm in there. Defrosting.

40 thoughts on “3001. Cream in the tea

  1. Badfinger (Max)

    Well they don’t need the cookies now…they have something to nibble on that is better…hands down.
    Good to see you Bruce! We have missed you.

    Liked by 4 people

          1. Badfinger (Max)

            Wow…you have been busy in 2024 regardless!
            Has your music program have a “freeze” option to put on tracks? My old computer would not handle 8-9 instrument tracks but I froze 4 of them and it did fine. If they are just like you want them you can freeze them and it takes lower cpu and memory to do them.

            I can tell a difference in the sound Bruce. It’s huge…. I like the last one the best…but all of them are really full.

            Liked by 1 person

  2. Yvonne

    I absolutely gasped when I read the ending. And, that was only after shuddering at the thought of cream in tea. So a double whammy as far as I am concerned.

    This was an excellent occasional post, BA.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. observationblogger

    Was it the arm of one of her husbands many lovers?
    Nice to have you back even if it this occasional once, but I hold hope for a ‘full steam’ return.
    I’ll make myself at home and check out that symphony composition link below, shall I?

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Bruce Goodman Post author

          The link to the written music is at the bottom of the page. The link to the sound is (roughly) in the middle of the page. I listed the aural first, and then I listed the links to the sheet music!



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