1175. Waste not, want not

Norbert and Bertha decided, prior to their wedding day, that they would have as many children as possible.

“That way,” said Norbert, if one of the children gets killed and we need a hair transplant, for example, there’s a whole resource just lying there.”

“It’s like money in the bank,” said Bertha. “Who knows, as we grow older, whether we’ll need a kidney or a liver or even a heart and lungs transplant.”

“Not to mention the eyes,” added Norbert.

And so began their years of procreation. The first thirteen were fine. And then Bertha died giving birth to the fourteen and fifteenth. They were twins and Bertha suffered an amniotic fluid embolism.

As luck would have it, Norbert was able to use, with the right treatment, her remains to fertilize his lawn.

14 thoughts on “1175. Waste not, want not

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      I learnt a new word… dystopian. Only another 48 hours and have to mop all the floors, and I’m out of here. Have scrubbed the ceilings and walls. Only the floors left… The people taking over won’t be happy – no matter how hard I’ve scrubbed and weeded… Can’t wait to go!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Sarah Angleton

    One of the articles WordPress chose to link below your post is about the secret to a long, healthy marriage. Of course I didn’t bother to read it because you have done such a brilliant job exploring that very topic in your story.

    Liked by 1 person


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