1160. No nonsense

There could be no doubt that Nurse Frieda was efficient. People suspected she was soft as butter underneath, but no one ever saw it. And since when was butter soft, especially if it was cold?

Nurse Frieda was ideal for the old peoples’ hospital. A command was a command. “Get in the shower” meant “Get in the shower”. “Eat your vegetables” meant “Eat your vegetables”.

How exciting it was that Marlene was about to turn 100! “A hundred is a hundred” said Nurse Frieda, and indeed it was, although one couldn’t help but get a little excited. After all, Marlene was expecting a congratulatory telegram from the monarch of England, and there would be a cake and candles, and perhaps even a little sip of wine.

Marlene was born at quarter past six in the morning of October 20th. At midnight, Marlene declared that she had reached 100! Her birthday had arrived!

Unfortunately Marlene died suddenly at a quarter to five. “Strictly speaking she never reached 100,” declared Nurse Frieda. She took the congratulatory telegram and screwed it up. She took the candles off the cake. “She certainly didn’t reach 100. Goodness me! Let’s be clear about that.”

It’s always good to have someone in an old peoples’ hospital who accepts no nonsense.

14 thoughts on “1160. No nonsense

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      Yes – I think these characters are creeping in surreptitiously. New Zealand just got a new Prime Minister yesterday – a woman in her thirties who promised free university education to all! (Yeah – right). She got in power by forming a coalition with the most corrupt politician in the history of this country.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Bruce Goodman Post author

          Winston Peters is a nutcase. He wasn’t even elected but scraped in by some devious other means. This is the third time he’s done this to ruin the country. An example of his senility is demanding “No tax refunds for males until they have their prostrate checked.” A pox on any political party that forms an alliance with him. He controls the country and his party got only 7% of the votes.



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