2589. The winning turkey

What a stressful day it had been for Matthew. He had won the Christmas turkey in a raffle and put his winning ticket in a safe place. The trouble was he had forgotten where that safe place was and had searched everywhere with no luck.

It wasn’t in his wallet; it wasn’t in the top dressing-table drawer where he kept valuable things; it wasn’t… well… anywhere to be found.

He’d never told his wife about the winning turkey because he wanted it to be a surprise when he collected the bird, but now he confessed to her that he’d won and couldn’t find the ticket. She said she wouldn’t have a clue and searched in all the obvious places such as Matthew’s wallet and the top drawer of the dressing-table.

Matthew even phoned the organizers and explained what had happened. They replied that there was always someone who pretended to have the winning ticket. Sorry, no ticket, no turkey.

Christmas came and went. Oh well.

11 thoughts on “2589. The winning turkey

        1. Bruce Goodman Post author

          Where I lived on a farm near Auckland New Zealand there were wild turkeys everywhere. Occasionally the dog would kill one and we’d have it. The dog would circle the turkey until it got giddy and fell over then she would bite it’s head off and bring it home!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. noelleg44

            Oh ick! My son shot a wild turkey in Afghanistan when he was at a forward operating base way up in the mountains where they did NOT deliver all those nice turkey dinners you see the troops eating on Thanksgiving. Either the bird or the cook made everyone sick!

            Liked by 1 person


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