1060. Church dance

Gunson wasn’t keen to go to the annual parish dance. They’re all into religion, said Gunson. Going to church was the last thing on his mind when he went to a dance.

You’re all of nineteen, said his mother, and it’s work, work, work. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

So Gunson grudgingly put on his best semi-casual attire and went to the dance. He walked into the church hall and there was Cressida! Cressida! He’d never laid eyes on her before. She was radiant. She was the best thing since sliced bread. He asked her for a dance, and they danced all evening.

How was it? asked his mother the next morning.

It was alright, mumbled Gunson.

A few weeks later, Gunson’s mother was puzzled.

I can’t understand why you’ve started going to church on Sundays, she said.

18 thoughts on “1060. Church dance

            1. Bruce Goodman Post author

              I thought “baited breath” was better – kind of like eating lots of garlic before a date! (Actually, I would’ve always spelled it with an “i” until your comment. Now I realise that it’s first used by Shakespeare’s Shylock and is short for abated.)

              Liked by 1 person

            2. Bruce Goodman Post author

              Thank goodness for Google and Wiki: “Research using Transcranial magnetic stimulation suggests that the area corresponding to the Wernicke’s area in the non-dominant cerebral hemisphere has a role in processing and resolution of subordinate meanings of ambiguous words—such as ‘‘river’’ when given the ambiguous word “bank.” In contrast, the Wernicke’s area in the dominant hemisphere processes dominant word meanings (‘‘teller’’ given ‘‘bank’’).”

              Liked by 1 person

              1. umashankar

                It is something like that indeed. Then there is the Broca’s area (having functions liked to speech production). I suspect both these areas are gradually turning into sponge in my cerebrum.

                Liked by 1 person


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