2580. Scram Scammers! Scram!

Colton might have been 82 years old but he wasn’t stupid. He’d been a creative inventor all his life.

When a scammer phoned, Colton could press a simple combination of buttons on his phone and the scammer’s phone would explode. So far he’d exploded 22 phones. 19 of the scammers had their heads blown off and the other 3 were permanent vegetables.

The funniest one was when a scammer got a heck of a fright in the office, thought it was another scammer in the room destroying his computer, saw red, and shot the other 26 scammers dead.


13 thoughts on “2580. Scram Scammers! Scram!

  1. Badfinger (Max)

    I would pay for that invention. I agree with Herb…I love happy endings!

    If Hitler, Stalin, and a scammer was in a room and I had a gun and two bullets…. I would shoot the scammer twice to make sure he was dead.

    Liked by 2 people


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