Tag Archives: drought

2877. Drought

You wouldn’t believe the callousness and civic irresponsibility of some people. I say “civic irresponsibility” but it’s straight out civic disobedience.

Hi. My name is Marrick and I was put in charge of policing water usage during the drought season. The law says when a state of drought is declared that water has to be used carefully and is limited to two gallons a day for each household. There is a serious water shortage.

Just the other day I was out in the countryside and I ran into this chicken farmer. I said to him that his vegetable garden looked pretty lush if you ask me, and he said that over the wet winter he had stored water in two large tanks. He needed the water for his chickens and some for his vegetable garden to feed his family during the drought.

I pointed out that he should buy his vegetables like everyone else. He is not above the law. People are suffering. There’s a limit of two gallons a day for each household.

He said he’d saved the water when there was plenty falling from the sky.

Ridiculous! I’ve sent a crew out to his farm to empty the tanks. Two gallons a day is the stipulation. If he protests there’s always the court.

1642. Rain! Rain! Rain!

(The photo is taken from my desk!)

Rain! Rain! Rain! It was always raining! It had so flooded Hedley’s backyard pot plants that they were dying. He must somehow bring them inside. Perhaps put them in his garage if there was enough light.

There were large puddles on his driveway. The spouting in front of his sitting room window was overflowing down onto his rose garden. His vegetable garden was so saturated that it was not only impossible to gather vegetables, but the vegetables were rotting in the ground. His lawn was a mud pool.

Rain! Rain! Rain!

Hedley woke with a start in the armchair where he had dozed. The stifling heat of this two-month long summer drought was starting to get to him. The city’s ban on garden watering meant most of his usually wonderful garden had shrivelled up. Oh for rain! Rain! Rain!

1255. Annual drought relief

Hurry! If we farmers can get the Government to declare a disastrous-for-the-country drought before the expected rains arrive tonight, then of course it will take months to recover from such a drought. The handout should provide us with a pretty good nest egg. Me and the wife are thinking of using it for a well-deserved break in Tahiti. What you doing with yours?