1021. How to win friends


Norbert had just finished reading Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People.

“What an excellent book,” thought Norbert. “I shall try to put some of the things into practice.”

It was the time of the Salvation Army’s Annual Door-to-Door Monetary Appeal. Norbert volunteered.

“Good afternoon. I’m collecting money for the Salvation Army and wondered if you would like to make a donation. Goodness! What a magnificent vegetable garden you have! Are you the gardener?”

“Good afternoon. I’m collecting money for the Salvation Army and wondered if you would like to make a donation. Goodness! Look at that apple tree laden with fruit! You must have green fingers.”

“Good afternoon. I’m collecting money for the Salvation Army and wondered if you would like to make a donation. Goodness! Those flowers! So colourful! I don’t think I’ve ever seen such pretty gladiolas.”

Norbert came home with four bags of tomatoes, a cardboard box of apples, several bunches of flowers, and not a penny for the Salvation Army.

11 thoughts on “1021. How to win friends

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      It happened to me! I actually admired their tamarillo trees – but it’s not a particularly universally known fruit so I couldn’t be too specific in the posting! Tamirillos we called “tree tomatoes” as kids – they’re quite tart but glorious in a dessert pie! Anyway… I came home with bags of tamarillos!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. umashankar

    Norbert’s false compliments did win him stuff that he could convert to money if he had enough gumption, but that is not the point of your parable. Aren’t we all sick of the hypocrites and pretenders outnumbering the honest folks everywhere? That is what seems to be embedded here. The price for honesty may be steep but imminently payable.

    Liked by 1 person


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