24 thoughts on “Music 68: The old barn

  1. Susanne

    Whatever that period sound is makes me think the barn is exhaling. The final “movement” has a bit of Doctor Zhivago about it. Oh look! There’s Omar Sharif peeking out of the loft. “Lara!”

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      1. Susanne

        “period” should say “periodic” which rhymes with idiotic. I was reading up on llamas today and learned they are gentle creatures and rarely spit at people like camels which brings me back to Omar Sharif and somehow leads me to Lawrence of Arabia which is where I’ll stop for now. Peter O’Toole is always a good reason to stop.

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        1. Bruce Goodman Post author

          Bianca of Wolfberryknits used to have llamas (I think) – if not, then alpacas. She said you have to let them sniff your breath – presumably to find out exactly what Omar, Lawrence and Peter have been up to. I used to have a garden shed that I called “The Peter O’Toole Shed”. It’s amazing the number of people who asked why!

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