795. Breaking news


Toby liked to start his breakfast off with a banana. He’d done that for years. Of course, bananas ripen fairly quickly, so he bought a small bunch several times a week. In fact, he bought four bananas on a Monday and three bananas on a Friday.

After eating the banana, Toby would have some cereal, and then a slice of toast with strawberry jam. Then he would finish it off with a cup of coffee.

He would begin having breakfast at four minutes to seven. That gave him time to eat the banana and prepare the cereal just before the morning news on television. He also put a slice of bread into the toaster but didn’t turn it on. He found that there was the perfect amount of time during the first lot of advertisements to toast the slice, spread butter and jam on it, and sit down again for the next part of the news. While the toast toasted, he turned on the kettle. Then during the second lot of advertisements he could make the coffee. The noise from the kettle boiling while trying to watch television was a little aggravating. And he had to get up and turn the kettle off manually. He’d been meaning to buy one of those kettles that switched itself off once the water had reached boiling point.

This morning however, was a bad day; a very bad day. It was Friday. Only yesterday afternoon his daughter had visited with her two children. And this morning – how could he watch the news? goodness me – there was no banana.

To listen to the story being read click HERE!

33 thoughts on “795. Breaking news

        1. Bruce Goodman Post author

          I’m terrible for not following the news. (I did read where Abraham Lincoln was assassinated!!) P.S. The sun is out. The light catcher gets moved about 80 times a day and it’s positioning is causing considerable “discussion”!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. thecontentedcrafter

            Yay! [for the sun, not Lincoln]. I suppose the constant moving is good exercise though it wasn’t meant to cause ‘discussions’! My advice is hang it low, somewhere where the sun enters when you are most likely to be around to enjoy it. The lower it hangs the more sparkles and rainbows 🙂

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  1. Cynthia Jobin

    I can’t think of anything witty to say. After all, it’s Sunday, here in the Northern Hemisphere…

    And there is this….I did opt to have comments on your site emailed, because I love the repartee…but I get overwhelmed occasionally by persons who choose to blast a plethora of their comments at their self-absorbed convenience, weeks after your blog posts. Then my email box is suddenly full of stuff from well-meaning idiots that I don’t really want to read. I can only imagine the jig you dance to respond to it all. I do realize your irritability is not my irritability. And of course, we can always blame my emotional outburst it on the weather. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      I was amused by your Sunday remark and it cheered my Monday! Absolutely – on getting bombarded by people who store things up for a month. I go into my “festina lente” festino lento festina lento – it’s bloody Latin anyway for “make haste slowly” as you would know! And I deal with one thing at a time! AND I might add – I do love the way your comment on my blog so often determines the direction of the comments. People seem to enjoy them (even more than the stories!) Also – I’m happy to be back online – I seem to have been blocked for quite some time from my own blog. Everyone else’s seemed fine.

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  2. Cynthia Jobin

    Festina Lente is a good one….and Carpe diem… and Tempus Fugit….. I’m no Latin scholar (though I did tutor a couple of my brothers when they were learning their altar-boy responses) but I’m glad you’re back online, that you don’t think my comments are a waste of time, and that you are slowly discovering a fit place for your light catcher. I finally decided to hang my light catcher from the piano lamp, since I never play piano at night. It makes beautiful rainbows on the adjacent wall in the afternoon, when I am most likely to be there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cynthia Jobin

      P.S. I think I will have to shut off the option of receiving comments from your site. More than 40 of umashankar and your responses came into my email today and that’s too much. I only wanted that option for immediate give and take of comments but now the inanity is driving me nuts.

      Liked by 1 person


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