Music 45: Gambolling lambkins


Spring doesn’t officially start for more than a month, but already there are lambs cavorting around the fields.

School used to stop for three weeks in August when I was a kid, and I always reckoned that the wild ducks starting laying their eggs around August 15. So come the August vacation and I’d be looking for ducks’ nests. I always (privately) think that Spring begins mid-August!

Somewhere in today’s music there’s bits of an old nursery rhyme (I think).

Listen to the music HERE.

34 thoughts on “Music 45: Gambolling lambkins

  1. Yvonne

    So, does spring start on 21/22 September in New Zealand? For some strange reason, our seasons change on the 1st on March, June, September and December.

    Little lambs gambolling in the meadows has to be the sweetest thing you’ll ever see!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      No – the New Zealand Government decided (contrary to what nature took billions of years to evolve) that the seasons start on the first of the month and not at the Solstice or Equinox. I follow Nature’s way!

      Liked by 1 person


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