12 thoughts on “Joyful Days – Thursday

  1. John Looker

    Just what I needed Bruce, having woken this morning in Britain after a somewhat broken night (no reason). It’s very soothing – except, unexpectedly, somewhere in the middle it hesitates over a different direction, one that seems less at ease – and then it resumes the same sunny path. 🙃

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  2. badfinger20 (Max)

    Bruce this is a great piece to hear in the morning…I like the contrast of the bridge…I guess it would be the bridge. This one could make a very good pop song.

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      1. badfinger20 (Max)

        I have enjoyed it alot Bruce… although I’ve been tardy. I’m late to most of the newer music sites I follow…I have to get somewhere I can pay attention and slip headphones on.

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