Tag Archives: rum

2791. Cooking rum

Mrs. Oldfield was relatively housebound but she loved to cook. It was her one hobby in life and the thing that kept her going. That is why Sally would go shopping for her and buy cooking ingredients. Most essential was a bottle of rum each week – for cooking you understand.

Sally was often a little embarrassed to be buying a bottle of rum every week, so she said to the shop attendant, “It’s for cooking and it’s not for me but for a friend.”

“That’s what they all say,” laughed the attendant.

Sally decided to change her habits a little. There were three shops in her town that sold rum. She would alternate. That would mean she would purchase a bottle of cooking rum from the same shop only once every three weeks. Mrs. Oldfield couldn’t cook without rum, and Sally was certainly doing her a favour.

Except Sally and Mrs. Oldfield were one and the same person. She didn’t cook and had no friends.

1630. Rum balls

Dear Innovative Housewife

Thank you so much for the wonderful Rum Balls recipe on your blog. I used it for the first time the other week and it was a hit. The family loved it. In fact I jokingly said that I wasn’t going to bake these Rum Balls ever again because they disappeared too fast!

The only change I made was that the recipe called for rum essence. I didn’t have any on hand so I used real rum. It worked a treat. So today I’m going to do it all again, except this time I’m going to double the rum and make it twice as good.

I wasn’t sure if rum went off, like wine, once the bottle was opened so I tried a wee sip and it seems to be alright. I careflea measured out the rum and it was the first thing I used because I dodn’t want hubby coming home and quaffing it down before I even added the flower. Yu can imadgine how I felled when I discovered there was only one teaspoon left in the bottle and you’re resipe cauled for too, so fourtunately we had some whiskey in the howse so I used that as well.

Then when it come to the frosting there was no whiskey so I used a bit of gin with a sprinkling of… of whatever that other stuff you said is called and it semed orright. Wee shell no wen hubby comes home and tacks a bight. Anyway I just wanded two tank you and say it is purfet. Its very layber intents so I’m thingking of havking it for the mane corse as well. The only thing is that to do that I will have to get to the shops to buy lots moore rum.