Austin’s blog


Hi. My name is Austin and I’ve decided to start a blog. I am interested in photography and the picture below is a snap of my ingrown toenail. I couldn’t decide whether to put it on my Blog or Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn or whatever and in the end decided to put it on everything. The photo is a bit out of focus and that’s because my phone is fairly new and I get muddled between phones as I have 11 phones and it gets confusing.


My friend Bergitta has 17 phones. I said to her, what the hell do you want 17 phones for? But she seemed to think it was a good idea.

Here is another photo. Again it’s not completely in focus so I’m not really sure what it’s of but I think it’s probably a picture of Bergitta herself. I will text her to ask her if it’s her. She will know.


I have just finished reading (yeah, I read) Bruce Goodman’s autobiography Bits of a Boyhood. It’s about growing up in rural New Zealand. I liked it – and as a bonus it can be read in two different ways – both free. Click HERE to read it online as web pages, and click HERE to download it as a pdf.

Now if you’ll excuse me, that’ll be Bergitta texting back.

Yeah – it’s her in the photo with some of her friends. Apparently I’m in it too so it’s a selfie.

49 thoughts on “Austin’s blog

    1. Yvonne

      chrisnelson61, I’ve read the book, coloured in all the pictures, and am now waiting for the movie to appear. It might be called The WilderBits. (If you haven’t seen the NZ movie The Wilderpeople, that will mean nothing to you!)

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      Next time I’ll have the nail painted! Actually I know of a teenage girl with 6 phones and I’m not sure who pays for it, but I suspect her daddy. She also drives a gigantic 4 wheel drive pickup (brand new). You do have to wonder about some parents.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. noelleg44

        When we lived in California (southern) the kiddies drove to school in BMWs, Mercedes, etc. It was one of the reasons we decided to move back east to raise our kids. Too much money and drugs floating around.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. derrickjknight

    Some years ago I decided to stop adding to my library because I won’t have enough time left to read all it already contains. Having read Contingency on line, I’m hooked and have downloaded the pdf. We are both going to enjoy this. Thank you, Bruce

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      To my shame I have not read Bao Ninh’s ‘Sorrow of War’ – at present I’m reading Chekhov’s ‘Steppe’ – and by the time I’ve found my spectacles designed for reading (as opposed to the spectacles for the computer and the spectacles for the piano) I’m so uptight that a foray into the Viet Nam war is not something too easily faced! I must read it though…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. umashankar

        Chekhov kickstarts childhood nostalgia in me. ‘Sorrow of War’ is a hard book to read, harder still to forget, heartbreaking to the core. I can relate to your spectacles woes since I need different diopters for reading and seeing everything else.

        I am trying hard to quit commenting through my mobile. There is this impossible sliver into which I must type, screwed further by auto-correct and auto-predict. When did ‘apologies to Bao Ninh’ become ‘apologies of Bao Ninh’?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Bruce Goodman Post author

          I don’t do texting – but do have a mobile in the car to be used when the car breaks down. This has happened only the once. I once missed out on getting heart bypass surgery because the hospital texted me with a “be at the hospital” time and I missed it because the mobile was sitting in the car unnoticed for a week! My cell phone is 16 years old and the phone company keeps telling me that the technology has been surpassed, to which I say “Then why did you sell it to me?”

          Long-distance artificial intraocular lenses I require not, but close-up dioptres indeed!

          Liked by 1 person

            1. Bruce Goodman Post author

              The secret, dear Uma, when it comes to the cell phone, is not to have any friends, or at least to have lost them somewhere along the line. If I knew how to text properly I wouldn’t know who to text to! Sometimes I think I must be the reincarnation of someone else – having no idea of where, when, how my creative thoughts come. Even my vivid dreams bear no resemblance to anything/anyone I have ever known. So, no, I don’t laugh at irresponsible foetuses – they could be my first cousins twice removed somewhere, somehow…

              Liked by 1 person

  2. Sarah Angleton

    What on earth is a plug for some guy’s autobiography doing in the middle of this fascinating perspective on toenails and the reality of losing focus. Some people are just shameless! Really enjoying A Passing Shower by the way. Okay to plug it on social media and provide the link? I could pair it with a nice blurry picture of an ingrown toenail.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      Sarah – you’re very welcome to plug things – plug in the sense of push rather than block!!!! At present I don’t “belong” to any social media thing except WordPress. The plug for some guy’s autobiography in the midst of more important things, is something that happens (apparently) as you will most certainly find when your own historical novel comes out!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: A Windy Day | derrickjknight

        1. Bruce Goodman Post author

          !! We’ve just had our autumn equinox so we’re plunging rapidly into winter! 😦 There’s not a great deal of difference between summer and winter here… these days both are dull, overcast, dreary, wet, windy, and generally chilly.

          Liked by 1 person


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