3006. Elections have consequences

Kieran thought he’d run for parliament in the up-coming elections. His wife thought it a great idea and encouraged him no end. Perhaps she was thinking more of the busy life a politician has and she would get more space in her domestic life.

His friends too thought it great as did any relative he mentioned it to who lived in the electorate. “You’re perfect for Hillsborough electorate,” declared Aunt Bergman. “You’re just what Hillsborough needs. I’m certainly voting for you.

In fact so many people promised to vote for him that Kieran sometimes thought he might even stand a chance at winning. Of course he belonged to a minor political party and it was his first time campaigning, so to be realistic his chances were slim.

The results are in! Kieran got no votes. Not a single one. He subsequently has no friends and has filed for divorce. Elections have consequences.

25 thoughts on “3006. Elections have consequences

  1. Ordinary Person

    Don’t trust people who’ll say they’ll vote for you is the moral in my opinion. And yes, elections have consequences. I wish people here would say yes to our current PM and then not vote for him. That way he’ll believe that he is indeed ‘biological’ and not some messianic figure with otherworldly ‘energy.’

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kvizee Doug

    Lately, our Emperor has been showing up at public meetings and news conferences naked. We are told that only the enlightened ones can see that he is actually wearing a fine silk of truth. The Hans Christian Andersen Nudist Party insists he’s not wearing clothes. They say that all the people have brioche and a house trailer or horse trailer that they can rent under the Don Quixote windmill. Kieran can move to the Empire and be a shoo-in if he votes for himself.

    Liked by 2 people


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