2801.  Theatrical improvisation

I suspect, my dear, said Orestes to his girlfriend Hermione, that this will lead to no good. (I refer to the real-life Hermione who was the daughter of Menelaus, king of Sparta, and his wife, Helen of Troy, and not to the fictional travesty of Hermione Jean Granger, the character in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series.)

Orestes continued: In fact you were rightfully mine, from a long time ago. Your father had promised you to me before he left for Troy but then, the liar that he is, when he got to Troy, he offered you to Neoptolemos, your present husband, if he, in return captured the city.

Well, said Hermione, I seem to be shunted around from one husband to another according to the whims of my father. If only I was a bit of fiction in a J. K. Rowling book and not real flesh and blood with emotions and feelings.

Why not leave Neoptolemos and follow your heart?
Come with me and elope to the mountains of Spart
And get away from that silly old fart.

Director: NEXT!

22 thoughts on “2801.  Theatrical improvisation

        1. Bruce Goodman Post author

          We have a Toyota – both a car and a ute (pickup – new word for you – ute – is a pickup short for utility). I had to look up “pick up” Our ute (pronounced You-t) is a 1983 classic!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Badfinger (Max)

            I know! But… It is a 2005 Scion and it only had 130 thousand miles…it had been sitting for years…no one wanted it because of the color (bigots!)…. I paid $5000 and it was mine…that was two years ago…no trouble out of the thing. I stopped buying new cars…I don’t like payments.

            Liked by 1 person

              1. Badfinger (Max)

                Yea and for that low of mileage. I bought a new Mini Cooper in 2008…it blew up in 4 years…then a new Chevy Sonic in 2013… it started going bad in 2016…so no more new cars for Max…they are a waste of money. Plus I wear them out because I drive around 76 miles a day….back and forth from work.

                Liked by 1 person

                  1. Badfinger (Max)

                    Mine is manual or stick also. I don’t think any millennial could steal it because I haven’t met one that can drive anything but an automatic.
                    It’s our 4th… we have a Jeep also

                    Liked by 1 person


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