Tag Archives: tarts

3005. Tarts

Let’s face it, Winifred, mother of four, absolutely detested Marion her neighbour. The problem was that Marion was constantly calling in and telling Winifred what  was being done wrong in the children’s upbringing.

Things came to a crunch when Marion – in Winifred’s very house – admonished the four children in front of their mother. Winifred had had enough. She shouted for Marion to “GET OUT!”

Later, Winifred regretted shouting. She baked a plate of jam tarts and sent the four children over with a note of apology. Back the children came! Marion had received the jam tarts with delight. And the four children were enjoying a jam tart each.

Winifred didn’t notice the children eating. She was too busy wondering how long it would take for the poison to work.