2001. Share and share alike

Micky was an expert at growing dahlias. In fact he had two special varieties of dahlia that had been catalogued and “copyrighted” and were on the online dahlia market. There was a variety called “Peaches and Powder Milk” and another one called “Water Reflections”. To be honest they hadn’t sold particularly well, but in no way did that curb Micky’s enthusiasm for dahlia growing.

In the same area as Micky lived Kurt. He too was an enthusiastic dahlia grower. Unfortunately, despite numerous attempts, he had never developed a new variety of dahlia that was accepted by the International Royal Dahlia Society. Kurt was as jealous as can be of Micky.

When Micky had to move from the area (it was something to do with his wife needing to be closer to medical specialists) he dug up all his dahlia tuberous roots, labelled them carefully, and put them in boxes at his front gate. The sign said: HELP YOURSELVES! SHARE AND SHARE ALIKE! FREE TO A GOOD HOME!

When no one was watching, Kurt backed his pickup to Micky’s gate, loaded the lot, and took them to the dump.

20 thoughts on “2001. Share and share alike

  1. disorderlyjottings

    It was long believed that John Ruskin burned a number of JMW Turner’s paintings and drawings after they were left in his care. Some say it was an act of censorship as the paintings were erotic studies. Difficult to say it was jealousy as Ruskin worshipped Turner, but knew he could never emulate his genius. (A bit of a Mozart/Salieri relationship perhaps). In the end it seems Ruskin only pretended to burn the paintings and hid them instead. Those Dahlias may turn up yet.

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        1. Bruce - Weave a Web Post author

          My most valued dahlia (picture – large and white) I once got from a neighbour. Had it for several years and brought a bunch to put in the school library. An assistant teacher called Shirley asked for a tuber which I gave her the following winter. Then all of my dahlias rotted. So I asked Shirley for a tuber and she gave me one, and the following day she was killed in a farm bike accident – so I always refer to this particular dahlia as “The Shirley Soppett Dahlia”!

          Liked by 1 person


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