1664. You get what you pay for

Let this be a warning! A warning to those of you who think the recipes on this site are worth trying. It’s impossible to think of an explanation adequate enough to describe how this person has tried to pull the wool over our eyes. She calls herself a cook. A cook, my foot! I spent a lot of time and wasted energy, not to mention squandered costly ingredients, making this recipe. I followed everything almost to a tee. And what a disaster! She called the recipe “Shortbread”. Yeah right. She was spot on there. It certainly came out as shortbread, but I adapted it because I wanted a coffee cake. It was horrible. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to post.

15 thoughts on “1664. You get what you pay for

    1. Bruce Post author

      If you like the idea of WYPIWYG then you’re a WYPIWYG. idiot. I like the quotation from Flannery O’Connor: “Everywhere I go, I’m asked if I think the universities stifle writers. My opinion is that they don’t stifle enough of them.”

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Bruce Post author

      Pfft is right. Although I did get a lovely coffee cake recipe from Lisa of arlingwoman. I also learnt something on Wikipedia: In USA Coffee cake = any cake to eat with coffee; in UK Coffee cake = it actually has some coffee in it. Do you think this is right?



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