Call for suggestions

Hello Everyone

Once again the well has run dry, so as at an earlier time I’m calling for suggestions for opening sentences. They shall be used in the order they arrive – one per day, starting hopefully in a day or two.

Please suggest only one opening sentence each! Such is the popularity of this blog. Yeah, right!

Type your opening sentence in the comments below. The Suggestion Box will close on the 24th of this month otherwise it trails on forever and (as happened last time) people end up waiting several months for their opening sentence to make an appearance. Many thanks to all who offered starter suggestions. The suggestion box is now closed!

In the meantime, have a happy day! Thanks.


Yesterday I said I would give the occasional update on my garden! Well, I’ve just made 4 bean fences – for beans, peas, vine spinach, sweet peas, and my all time favourite – moonflowers!

Here is a photo:


49 thoughts on “Call for suggestions

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      Thanks for the opening sentence. Your story is scheduled for Oct. 23. I’ve never grown the climbing spinach before (Malabar I think the packet calls it). If it’s horrid and hairy I’ve still got the proper stuff!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. arlingwoman

        It’s not horrid and hairy, but it does have some fuzz on the leaves. You should try it; it’s easier to grow and longer lasting than the regular spinach, but it’s really another green rather than like spinach, especially if you want it in salads.

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Nitin

    “All poor Kierkegaard talked about was despair inherent in men because of sin. It’s the bloody nihilists who deconstructed him, out of their need to be free of God and moral restraints, never realising that man is not free. I said, man is not free! Not free! Damn it!” screamed the disgraced professor now working in a circus.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      Hi Nitin – the new blog looks great – except it stretches off the screen on both sides! It wouldn’t let me register my email as an enthusiastic follower of yours – but these days most blogs seem to reject my likes, comments, and email address. So I don’t know what to do. I shall keep trying. I notice that your about page is written in the third person singular – so that’s probably a good idea at the moment…. I shall try the same.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Nitin

        I shall add you as a subscriber then. I thought I’d configured everything. Well, I guess there’s more work to do. Lemme know which email you want my posts sent to. I’ll add that address. Yeah I wanted to keep the about page a little professional (although I suck at writing them!) And thank you.



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