Music 329-332: Four dances for piano

Hi Everyone

Here are Four dances for piano – not for the piano to dance to, Silly, but four dances to be played on the piano.

Click on a title in the first list to listen, and click on a title in the second list to download the written music.


Click on a title to listen
Dance 1
Dance 2
Dance 3
Dance 4

Click on a title to download the written music
Dance 1
Dance 2
Dance 3
Dance 4

9 thoughts on “Music 329-332: Four dances for piano

        1. Bruce Goodman Post author

          I’m having a piano year! Only a couple of months left – I compose these in the early morning when everyone else is still asleep and I haven’t got anything else to do!!!!! I’m not sure what next year I should pursue…

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      I can’t dance either… ever since I was an awkward 13 year old and my mother was watching me at a dance and said “I never knew you could dance.” I went into my shell and there I remain. However I have taught and written music for many a dancer – including choreographers for 6 strip clubs in New Zealand. (They joke and say that “Bruce Goodman taught me everything I know” – which is not true of course because I hardly know one end of a person from another).

      Liked by 2 people


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