1531: The closed door

(The opening sentence for this story was suggested by River of The Stories In Between. If you want to join in the fun of suggesting a future opening sentence for these stories, click here for a peek as to what’s what.)

When it comes to doors, they are either open or closed, and this one is definitely closed. Thus growled the witch to Gretel. Hansel and Gretel had been captured by the witch at the very moment they were breaking a chunk off the witch’s candy house. Contrary to what is believed, Hansel and Gretel never shoved the witch into the oven; they were too polite. Hansel had wasted away and died of forlornity. The witch took Gretel and threw her into a small room.

“When it comes to doors, they are either open or closed, and this one is definitely closed,” said the witch pointing a skeletal finger at the door at the back of the room. “Open that door and you will die.”

Gretel pined for freedom and life. She, naturally, did not wish to die. “Oh woe is me,” she said. “If only Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother could turn up and save me. Even Batman in spandex would do.” You, Gentle Reader, should know better. That is not going to happen.

Gretel lived in that little room for seven years. In the end, just like her brother Hansel, she died of forlornity. Little did she know that the door that was “definitely closed” was unlocked and led to the great world outside and freedom.

13 thoughts on “1531: The closed door

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      You’re sometimes such a Goody-Two-Shoes – always looking for a moral! If I wanted to be cruel I’d say you remind me of Nancy Pelosi. (Sorry – I shouldn’t have said that)!


  1. umashankar

    Gretel also didn’t know that sometime during the second year of her incarceration, the witch was crushed to chutney by an 18-wheeler when she was scarfing about Interstate 405 without her prescription glasses which Hansel had accidentally swallowed and died of ensuing complications rather than forlornity as is widely believed, and with that the desolation of Gretel was complete. Moral of the story: always go for contact lenses when you are a witch.

    Liked by 1 person


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