1378. On hearing the news

This story is based on the fact that I don’t have a clue in hell as to what they’re talking about when I listen to the news on my radiogram.

The NQI of the HHLD in VT USA was invited by the KPY to speak on the YSTW that DDT had on the PAU. The ORQ is, can the NQI, an appointment by the HOS, refuse to speak? When asked for a comment, the HOD of the FBI LHFAO.

So in conclusion I’d just like to say:


12 thoughts on “1378. On hearing the news

  1. Andrew

    I think the problem is you are using a radiogram. They probably want you to give them a short wave and they will send you a QSL card. Have you changed the needle recently? Or maybe, and here’s a thought, you are not listening to the wireless but a record played at 78rpm instead of 33.

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    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      Andrew, you are the second one to note the radiogram – which is the bit I most like about this story! I might add in passing that as a kid of about 7, my job at grown-up parties was to crank the 78 record player (to actually wind it up) and to occasionally change the needle when it wore out. What money would I get for such a machine these days?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Andrew

        I never wound one up Bruce but we did have one and I did have to change the needle. My father was a bit of a radio ham, a legacy of his war days, and when he died he left a garage full of old sets, boxes of valves etc. Perhaps we should have kept one or two. I admit to being tempted to buy one of the modern retro look radios but somehow I know it wouldn’t be the same.

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