1000. The gate


Minnie stood at the doorway. She said farewell to her brother. It was for the last time. He was to be gone; forever. They hugged. He moved away.

He walked down the garden path and never turned back. His footfalls crunched on the path’s gravel. There were flowers on either side. Somewhere a bird sang.

He turned a corner. His footfalls faded.

Minnie heard the gate latch open.

She heard the gate click shut.

Listen the story being read HERE!

23 thoughts on “1000. The gate

          1. Eric Tonningsen

            Well then, I know your departure point is imminent. There is also a word in our language called ‘reconsideration.’ 🙂 Until such time that you may reconsider, I wish you much peace and contentedness as you continue your life journey. With love and appreciation for you.

            Liked by 1 person

  1. Elaina Jensen

    A haunting and sublime work, Bruce. It will keep me thinking for awhile. P.S. I’ve decided not to collect anything for my first book publication. I found a jeweler who will work with me to design a unique piece of jewelry to commemorate.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      It is the penultimate page. Perhaps he will return… no he won’t! I thought of Tennyson’s “Break break break on thy cold grey stones O sea” – when I wrote this!


  2. Rob McShane

    Bruce, you will be missed! As said above, there are fortunately the archives and, as I joined you rather late on this journey, I will be diving and delving. The present may move to be past, but it will not be lost or forgotten. Like golden memories, we can recall them at our leisure and I look forward to that!
    Congrats on completing your goal(s) – really great achievement – and wishing you everything good moving forward… 😊🎆🎉🙌

    Liked by 1 person


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