952. Just desserts


Meryl collected recipe books. She had what appeared to be hundreds. They were all ordered on shelves according to type: pickles and chutneys, desserts, foreign recipes, and so on. Of course, many recipe books were collections of all sorts, so she had shelves for all sorts as well.

Meryl’s carrot cake was apparently a phenomenon. “You should use my recipe,” said Meryl to Nancy. “My recipe doesn’t come out as sticky as yours. It’s perfection.”

“Your pumpkin pie,” said Meryl to Charlene, “is very nice, but I have the best pumpkin pie recipe in the world. You’re welcome to use it.”

“You overcooked your roast?” said Meryl (in wonderment) to Dottie. “I have a way of cooking roasts that’s fail-proof.”

In short, Meryl’s reputation for fine cooking had become a legend. And what a thrill it was when she was coming to the pot-luck dinner!

“Could you bring some dessert?” asked Charlene.

“We’re so looking forward to it,” said Dottie.

“I can’t wait,” said Nancy.

Meryl had to drive an hour and a half out of town – way-way out of the neighbourhood – to purchase a dessert no one would recognize.

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29 thoughts on “952. Just desserts

  1. Cynthia Jobin

    The poor, silly woman. She could easily have concocted a simple pavlova and told the others how it was made with whites from a goose that laid a golden egg, cream from a cow that jumped over the moon, and fruit fresh from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Val

    And there I was, thinking that her friends were plotting a way to kill her. Ah, the easy way out of the dilemma – buy the dessert instead. 🙂 Great story!

    Liked by 1 person


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