927. Church on Sundays


Cooper used to go to church on Sundays.

When he got a job that required he work Sundays, he couldn’t go to church on Sundays.

There was a service at his church early on a Wednesday morning. Cooper went to that, instead of attending on Sunday. He did that for three years.

The minister told him that Sunday was the Sabbath, and he was breaking one of the Ten Commandments by not keeping Sunday holy. Going to church on Wednesday didn’t make Sunday holy. It wasn’t good enough.

So Cooper stopped going to church altogether.

To listen to the story being read click HERE!

37 thoughts on “927. Church on Sundays

  1. Susanne

    Isn’t the calendar a Greco-Roman thing? Not as in Roman Catholic, but as in calendars, and don’t Sundays predate Christianity? Oh. Boy. I got a little wound up (as in a wrist watch). Silly minister. His time will come.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Cynthia Jobin

      In parochial school, Sister Mary Alma told us the story of a girl who, when her alarm clock rang to get up and go to Mass on a Sunday, turned it off, and went back to sleep. She knew she would miss Mass but figured she could tell it in confession and be absolved, so she wouldn’t go to Hell after all. When she finally did awaken, as she was turning to get out of bed, she hit her head on the bedpost and died immediately, in the state of Mortal Sin, unconfessed, and unabsolved. And we know what that means.
      I never forgot that story. Sister Mary Alma’s fictional bent was quite similar to the Bruce Goodman school of storytelling.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Bruce Goodman Post author

        LOL! Let’s hope that Sister Mary Alma’s stories get fully published. Sister Mary Columbiere told us of the horrible communist who fired a gun at the tabernacle and said “Now I have shot your God”. I can’t remember the dénouement but it would’ve been an unmitigated disaster.
        We should really have a blog dedicated to nun’s stories of the past!!

        Liked by 2 people

  2. arlingwoman

    Oooh. Often I read something in the newspaper about some self-righteous jerk mixing their moral views confidently with religion and I think, “who is this tiny mean god?” This is another of those instances.

    Liked by 1 person


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