878. Eek!


It was Susannah’s eighth birthday. She jumped out of bed and put her feet into her slippers. There was a mouse in one of them.


Today she turns ninety-seven. She has checked for a mouse in her slippers approximately thirty-two thousand five hundred and seven times.

Allowing for one minute for each checking, that comes to roughly forty-five days.

She could have gone on a forty-five day wonderful vacation somewhere that provided a life time of happy memories and photographs, but, oh no! the time had to be wasted by checking for a mouse in her slippers. Or conversely, she could have gone on a forty-five day wonderful vacation and been killed in a helicopter crash or something. Or she could have met her husband on the wonderful forty-five day vacation and had kids. Or…

Eek indeed!

To listen to the story being read click HERE!

52 thoughts on “878. Eek!

      1. Cynthia Jobin

        Funny you should mention….I have a pair of gum rubber moccasins I only use in winter. When I went for them this winter I did not find the mouse, but there was a whole cupful of dry cat food in the toe of of one of them…..I wonder who stashed it there…..

        Liked by 3 people

            1. thecontentedcrafter

              Orlando too has food always available – on a counter top away from the puppy who would like to get his paws on it if only he could reach that high ……….. Maybe it was Lulu’s secret stash of kitty food and being a dog she forgot she had hidden it there …………

              Liked by 2 people

              1. Cynthia Jobin

                Yes, I always fed the cats on a counter so the dog wouldn’t steal food. When Beau became unable to jump that high, I put his food on the floor but I had to stay and watch, and protect him from Chloë who would hover and intimidate him until he walked away and left a good portion of his meal for her. Several times a day, with small portions I kept sentinel. Between that and problems we had with the litter box, I notice I have a little extra free time now.

                Liked by 3 people

                1. Bruce Goodman Post author

                  Pussy Cat will meow loudly for a saucer of milk, and you know she’s doing it only at the insistence of the dog – for she takes no interest in it once received, and then … enter the dog.

                  Liked by 2 people

                  1. Cynthia Jobin

                    I know. I chuckled, but I knew what you meant. I have enough trouble remembering people’s names, never mind trying to recall those of all the pets. If you met Chloë (large, black, over-exuberant dog) and Lulu (petite, golden goddess of a cat) you’d never mix them up…. 🙂

                    Liked by 2 people

  1. thecontentedcrafter

    I had a rat in bed with me once ……………. I checked carefully for a couple of nights after – but -it never stopped me getting into bed. You made me think about how many years I might be wasting with silly habits – I just have to identify which silly habit I want to ruminate on.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. arlingwoman

    The only thing I’ve ever checked my boots for was scorpions. Luckily, I don’t live anywhere near scorpions now. Once I found a big cricket in my shoe, though. Never been in bed with a rodentine rat.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. noelleg44

    My husband once calculated that we would spend 7 years of our life waiting at red lights – or was it seven months? Either way, what if you camped at a red light for the entire time and never had to sit at a red light again?

    Liked by 2 people


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