39 thoughts on “Music 69: View from my vegetable garden

            1. Bruce Goodman Post author

              True! Have just received “news” – actually it’s our decision – that we have to move for the 15th time in 15 years!!!! The owners of this place have taken the renting out away from an agency and decided to do it themselves. They have inspected us 4 times since Christmas – each inspection lasting several hours. Last time she thought the bath could have been cleaned better, and so is coming back this Saturday for another inspection. We’ve had enough. They’re not meant to pry into personal lives like that, so we’re in search (again) for another house – and then we’ll tell them where they can put their house. The great things is that no other rental agency will take them on after they went renting “solo”! The horrid thing is – each time we move it costs about $6000!

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              1. arlingwoman

                Oh, Bruce, that’s awful. Isn’t there some recourse for this? Ugh, having to move is quite awful anyway and you have your animals. Not to mention the costs. Cynthia’s comment below is my reaction to the music. Yeesh!

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                1. Bruce Goodman Post author

                  The recourse is always the “intermediary” agency – but the landlords took their patronage away without consulting. Of course, they think we have an “rental agreement”. We had one with the Agency – not the landlord. They might be in for a big fright in the long run!

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                    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

                      Ooops! Apparently – legally – the 12 months tenancy agreement still holds event though they dropped the Agency. We are trapped here for another 11 months with this vigilant property owner going through our cupboards every week and checking the cleanliness of the shower. Apparently there’s nothing we can do. 😦

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. Bruce Goodman Post author

                      Apparently if you’re a house owner you have lots of protection! Most members of Parliament own houses they rent out. Nothing is in favour of the underling!!! I feel massively trapped in fact, Lisa, and feel like bursting into tears. The wretched landlords are coming again this weekend – the 5th weekend ruined in a row!


  1. Shubha Athavale

    Bruce, NZ is such a beautiful country, hope the views from the new place are just as gorgeous, all the best for the move, am sure after all the moves, you are good at packing and unpacking :), can we soon expect a story about the move?

    Liked by 1 person


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