829. Baby talkie walkie


(This story is best “experienced” by following the written words while listening to the audio)

The mother’s three daughters had all grown up and fled the nest. Once a year, they’d return at the same time and jolly their mother along for a few days and have a few rollicking laughs. Whenever they got together like that, they reverted to baby talk – not just in names (mother was Mumsy-Wumsy, Jennifer was Jenny-Henny-Penny, Sally was Sally-Wally-Bugsie-Pie, and April was Apie-Dopey-Dapey – but in the names for things as well. For example, a cabbage was a cabby-waggy, and a carrot was a yummy-yummy.

Anyway, they would go for walks…

“Look!” said Jennifer. “What an amazing butterfly!”

“Oh! It’s so pretty!” said Sally. April cupped the butterfly in her hands.

“You shouldn’t touch it,” said their Mum. “You might damage it wings. They’re so delicate.”

April opened her hands and tossed the butterfly into the air.

“There you go!” said April. “Free as a bird!”

“A butterfly is not a bird, you silly idiot,” giggled Jennifer.

How they enjoyed their little walks on such sunny afternoons; the four of them: Mum, Jennifer, Sally and April. It wasn’t much, but such walks were filled with moments that will be remembered forever.

To listen to the story being read click HERE!

42 thoughts on “829. Baby talkie walkie

  1. thecontentedcrafter

    That was actually very clever and most creative! I can imagine you took ages to get all the silly baby talk right and reading and listening at the same time made me smile – see how I do as I’m told? And as someone else already noted, no-one died! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      A lot less die in these stories than people think!! I don’t like “baby talk” in real life. I won’t ever use it, not even to my dog and cat and both (I’m not kidding) have quite large vocabularies!

      Liked by 1 person


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