29 thoughts on “Music 67: In search of a mouse

  1. thecontentedcrafter

    I love that the goat joins in – and that you have three friends 🙂

    I had two cats once who used to work in tandem to hunt various other creatures. One was a wily old bovver boy who had moved in with us specifically to coach the young fellow who apparently showed great promise. They once went after a kereru sitting on a wattle branch. Gulliver placed himself beneath the branch and directed operations, having the young fellow, Benjamin, move along the branch with the kereru shuffling herself further and further towards the end and the branch bending slowly towards the ground and the waiting Gully…….. However the kereru was wilier than they were and at the last minute, just as Gully was setting for the spring, she flew off, the branch flipped back and Benjamin was catapulted up, then down, landing on top of the startled Gully and they all took off down into the bush. I saw them hunt and catch lots of bush rats – and then there is a long and involved story about the time Gully brought one inside to tutor his young protege on the finer points of ratting – but Benjamin lost it …………

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