823. The horrible troll


Once there was a horrible troll who lived underground in an old mine. He was really ugly, with warts on his nose; just like the witch who lived next door to him. She had warts on her nose as well.

You should have seen the troll’s teeth. They were sharp as a razor. He could bite the head off a person as quick as anything. And his incisors were so sharp that they reckon he could turn into a werewolf and suck blood like a vampire.

Every night the troll would go out and capture a little girl and have her for his dinner. No one ever saw him, but they think he hides under little girls’ beds and comes out at night when they’re fast asleep.

So, Sweetie, that’s the end of tonight’s story. I shall turn out the light. Try and get some sleep.

To listen to the story being read click HERE!

44 thoughts on “823. The horrible troll

    1. thecontentedcrafter

      I was terrified of being in my bedroom for years…. I checked under the bed, in the wardrobe, closed my eyes, turned out the light and leapt into bed and pulled the blankets over my head. I have no idea how I survived the nightly stress!!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Bruce Goodman Post author

        I never had trouble with the bed until I went to North America where there are snakes – which we don’t have in New Zealand. I would never get into bed without completely pulling down the bedding to check for snakes. (This is in adulthood!) Even so, I woke one night with a purple leg and two fang holes in my calf. I thought it was the flu (but it wasn’t). In Fiji I would do the same – but checking for lizards and cockroaches!


        1. wolfberryknits

          My last place was a cabin in 150 acres of rainforest without mains power, where I lived alone. Went up to bed with a single candle, pulled back the quilt and saw a dark shape on the bed. Picked it up thinking was the cat’s rope toy. Will never ever forget the feeling of it suddenly uncoiling in my hand in the dark. :/ I dropped it, ran away and cried, then realised I didn’t have much of a choice so caught it with a pillowcase and a kitchen spatula. I think your fang hole story is far worse though!

          Liked by 1 person

      2. Cynthia Jobin

        We lived upstairs from my Dad’s Funeral parlor in a huge three storey house….the third storey being a converted attic….and they moved my bedroom up there—the only girl with an ever increasing number of brothers, so I was all alone— when I was five years old. The rest of the family was on the second floor. You could get up to my room using stairs and hallways directly from the funeral home. I can still hear the sobbing and smell the flowers.

        Liked by 1 person

            1. Bruce Goodman Post author

              Lilies – it’s lilies – my Christmas lilies are in flower at present – they’re the “Easter” ones I think in the north??? – but these flower at Xmas and are called Xmas lilies – but they stink if brought inside and everyone cuts off the stamens before bringing them indoors – otherwise allergies go berserk.

              Liked by 1 person

  1. Susanne

    I had a very complicated bed time routine as a child. I checked the closet three times, under the bed three times, the door had to be open a crack to let light in from the hallway, and I had to have at least 5 goodnight’s hollered at me to reassure me I wasn’t alone in our big old house. This little girl must be made of strong stuff!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Andrea Stephenson

    I think the modern tales are less scary than the old ones! My worst nightmares came after watching the TV series of the Day of the Triffids – it’s so hammy to watch now, but I was terrified! And I did go through a period of nightmares about snakes being in the bed after watching a Tales of the Unexpected – I can’t believe I was allowed to watch those things at the age I must have been 🙂

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