771. Gwenyth takes flight


Gwenyth was super organised. She wasn’t obsessed with order, but she liked to do things in an orderly way ahead of time. For example, she had a vegetable garden and she always filled the freezer up each autumn with enough vegetables and soups to last the winter. What a saving! And then she had purchased an entire cattle beast and had the butcher make ground meat and sausages and steaks and everything. It filled two freezers up but in the long run was a lot cheaper than buying meat bit by bit. A single beast provided enough meat to last eighteen months or more.

It was because she saved in such an orderly way that she could afford to take a three month trip to Europe. She had even defrosted the freezers before leaving. And cleaned her windows. Goodness! They would be just as dirty again when she got back! And off she flew!

Gwenyth changed planes in Kuala Lumpur and took off on a direct flight to London’s Heathrow. She was well in the air when she remembered something. After the defrosting, she’d forgotten to turn the freezers back on.

Listen to the story being read HERE!

45 thoughts on “771. Gwenyth takes flight

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      With US Thanksgiving coming up, it reminds me… One year I reared five turkeys from eggs, and eventually froze them, and went away for a couple of weeks. When I returned the freezer had broken down. If you didn’t know turkeys could swim, you do now!

      Liked by 3 people

  1. Cynthia Jobin

    My parents had a huge freezer in the garage, where several men in the family kept all their butchered deer meat after hunting season in the fall. One summer the freezer ceased to operate for a time long enough to defrost and ruin all of its contents. I don’t remember the cause—I was very young—-but I will never, ever forget the smell. To this day, I have no stomach for venison.

    Liked by 3 people

        1. Bruce Goodman Post author

          Clearing the freezer out every few years is like Christmas – all those packages you’d quite forgotten you had. And then, I wonder if this is liver or kidney, and is it from a cow, a pig or a sheep? !

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      I’m a bit like that – always checking on my blog to see if someone has left a comment. And I always check on my blog to see if someone has left a comment. And I always check on my blog to see if someone has left a comment.

      Liked by 1 person


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