703. Clarinda’s feline fixation


Clarinda’s dream came true. She had always loved animals, especially cats. Now, after several applications, she got a job working at the SPCA.

Thank goodness she had. They were short staffed. They were suddenly inundated with stray cats. Clarinda’s day was a joy! Cats of every shape and size and colour and personality!

Three or four stray cats came in every day. In fact, the SPCA’s cat intake matched exactly the number of reported missing cats.

Clarinda was busy, busy, busy. “Here Puss Puss Puss Puss!” called Clarinda in the evenings as she walked the streets of her neighbourhood.

Listen the story being read HERE!

93 thoughts on “703. Clarinda’s feline fixation

              1. Cynthia Jobin

                Obviously, Bruce is a mere babe in the woods. I was born in 1944. If you do the math you will know that I am well into my dotage. However, in my mind I will always be eleven years old….maybe that’s what makes us twins!

                Liked by 2 people

                  1. Cynthia Jobin

                    A somewhat spurious claim since you were born on the cusp—the very last month of 1949. Don’t know as you can say you “saw” that decade, as you were probably asleep most of the time, when you weren’t nursing, pooping, or wailing….

                    Liked by 2 people

                    1. Cynthia Jobin

                      Now look below….wouldn’t you know he’s withdrawing what he said, even though he maintains it was a compliment and at worst mildly offensive…..I have five brothers, so I know what we’re supposed to say next:…”At heart, he means well, he’s really a good boy,” (like all the mothers of criminals have said in court since time immemorial). And of course that’s what we’ll say.

                      Liked by 2 people

              1. arlingwoman

                This is an actual rat. Grilled on a stick. With its little tail still on for crunchiness. To be fair it’s some sort of wood or grass rat, not the kind we usually think of. I have a friend who’s consumed it. Said it tasted like squirrel. Probably not a very enlightening description to most people…

                Liked by 2 people

  1. Oscar Alejandro Plascencia

    Well done Bruce. This tale is the cat’s meow and a playful ball of yarn at that. Though some may find Clarinda to be a savvy entrepreneur. I think she’s a real cat burglar! She ought to be flogged with a cat-o’-nine-tails. And I hope she catches cat scratch disease.

    Liked by 5 people

            1. Bruce Goodman Post author

              I have been out in the garden – actually right out on the road raking up fallen leaves from the roadside gutter (a place I’m relatively familiar with). I have popped inside for some Sunday lunch. The cat is lying on my desk diary and the dog is lying on my feet. All of which is categorically cathartic. One CAnT ask for more.

              Liked by 2 people

                1. Bruce Goodman Post author

                  The midday heat is 12 degrees C! I am in the gutter (gazing at the stars) with my jacket on. I feel a bit of a goat making a pig of myself but, to let the cat out of the bag, I’m now trying to organize dinner/supper/tea – the evening meal. I’ve hit a language barrier.

                  Liked by 1 person

                1. Bruce Goodman Post author

                  Google is useless. So are the other search engines. You have a female boss… so you work. I don’t know how you manage to shut up for so long about these things. Being a blue whale off the coast of Iceland never entirely satisfied my curiosity. Incidentally: curiosity killed the cat. (Do you have that expression over there?)

                  Liked by 1 person

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      That’s my cat! She’s just an ordinary cat but her photos make enough money each year in competitions to buy cat AND dog food for the year! I think it’s because her markings are even that makes the photos successful.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      They say that for them to live together the cat must be in charge – but I find it the other way round. The dog thinks the cat is her baby – a car, a train, a plane in the distance and the dog stands between the cat and the noise! They communicate better with each other than we do with either!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Belinda Crane

    As I am very into cats Bruce, this story terrified me. Thank you for not taking the story to the same place you did with your dog story a few weeks ago. Great story Bruce!

    Liked by 1 person

          1. Belinda Crane

            Our boy patrols the house, jumps on us if we are sitting down (I think it’s some sort of welfare check to see we are still of this world) and has the freakiest adrenaline rushes. We stay away from him when he has these as he jumps up and clings on whatever is closest … normally our legs! Ahhh … kids!

            Liked by 1 person


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