38 thoughts on “Music 47: Winterscape

      1. Cynthia Jobin

        And I do look forward to it, Bruce. Brother Pain, my constant companion, really kicks up in the weather we’re having now—humid, muggy, ugly dog days. I think I like all seasons except summer. Winter was always a favorite, for skiing these mountains with the women’s ski team, and you can’t beat New England in October. The Quebec photo is beautiful, and the passage in your music…around minute 4… reminds me of passages in the Hebrew Kol Nidre—wistful and melancholy. (I like melancholy.)

        Liked by 3 people

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      The Old Farmer’s Almanac was always pretty reliable. Then these weather people dragged science into it and messed it up. When I lived in the States, the Almanac wasn’t simply a necessity, it was a thing awaited in my household with a great deal of anticipation!


    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      I would love that! In Quebec my favourite things were 1). to hear the wolves chatting at night in a pack around the house as I snuggled up in bed, and 2). to see moose/elk footprints in the snow around my woodshed in the mornings!

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  1. Oscar Alejandro Plascencia

    Dark and broody. Loved it.

    The movie in my mind took place on your winterscape: A lone albino wolf roams the snow covered land for meal. Spies an orphaned fawn and goes in for the kill. Before he can enjoy his meal a pack of hyenas boldly surround and attack. The lone albino wolf resumes to roam unfed in the barren winterscape.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      Actually, in this very scene, I had to save my little puppy (called Sedona) from a wolf. I grabbed the puppy off the wolf and threw the puppy inside through the open door. The wolf ran off. This was in 2005. I’m still shaking!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. tomrains

    It looks nice, but I know I shouldn’t pine too hard for winter, since I’m about to enter fall where I live, and there’s nothing quite like autumn in New York. My biggest bone with winter is that the days are too short! I wish we got 16 hours of sunlight all year long (I know that’s not possible, but still, a boy can dream).
    Nice blog, by the way. Followed!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      Thanks Tom for the visit and comment. (I couldn’t find any follow button on you own interesting site – don’t belong to any social media (other than blogging) so that might be the problem.) When the winter days are short you simply have to light a candle in the snow! That’s another sort of wondrous-ness!


      1. tomrains

        Candles … of course! I’ve lived in places that haven’t allowed candles (student housing) for a while, but now I’m in a new place, so I’ll have to remember that.
        I just realized they’ve moved the follow button … it’s in the lower right hand corner now. I was wondering why I couldn’t find it to follow anyone!!

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        1. Bruce Goodman Post author

          I’m nearly giving up WP because of that new follow button. I find it distracting, invasive and a screen pollutant. If I had a spare candle I know exactly where WordPress would get it.



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