656. Bloodsuckers

© Bruce Goodman 28 July 2015


Horace was rather forthright with his opinions. He worked hard and, as he said, because he worked hard he could afford to eat well. Not like those layabouts who sat on their backsides all day and expected handouts. That’s why, at the supermarket he didn’t simply nonchalantly walk past the special food bin where people could donate to the needy; he stomped by and chucked his screwed-up groceries receipt into the food bin. If those lazy bums could read the receipt they’d understand what they were missing out on and start realizing that some people worked to make a living.


And then Horace lost his job. And he didn’t have any savings. He had to go to the supermarket Food Bank to get things to eat. He wasn’t too proud to do that. Sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and get on with it. He wasn’t afraid to ask for help if he needed it; unlike some of those lazy bums who hadn’t done a scrap of work in their lives and expected people to wait on them hand and foot.


And then Horace found another job. He worked hard and, as he said, because he worked hard he could afford to eat well. Not like those layabouts who sat on their backsides all day and expected to be waited on hand and foot…

42 thoughts on “656. Bloodsuckers

  1. shreya24x7

    Hi I’m Shreya!
    Love the post. You have great content on your blog. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
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    Enjoy your summer.
    Shreya xx


    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      I don’t know if you call it “Meals on Wheels” in the US – but doing it, sometimes you deliver meals to the most luxurious of homes. If they sold some of their stuff they could hire a chef!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Cynthia Jobin

    Yes, we have “Meals on Wheels” and I always laugh when someone brings up that phrase because a delightfully wacky, very elderly lady I know, who speaks broken English, calls it (in all seriousness) “Wheels on Meals”….

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Keith Channing

    Horace is a tosser,
    A hateful little man.
    He has a go at poorer folk
    Every time he can.

    What goes around must come around,
    Though Horace never heard;
    He still mocked those less fortunate.
    The nasty little turd.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Oscar Alejandro Plascencia

    I think Horace is a grumpy old man. Once a grumpy young man. Once a grumpy boy.

    At least he is true to himself. True to his name. Akin to the Horae; goddesses of the seasons, of cyclical death and rebirth, and sometimes of social order, usually given as three in number.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      G*d you’re so f**kin* educated! Who are you? What do you do? How come you know so much? E-mail me and tell me??? I’m still stuck trying to understand Socrates and Plato and Aristotle. I’m (almost) so yesterday! I need time… time to catch up. Help! I’m getting into a panic…. !

      Liked by 1 person

            1. Bruce Goodman Post author

              I live out of “cell phone reach” so Siri I have none… I have a landline, which I use about thrice a year to pre-order Moroccan or Burmese or Indian takeaway… I don’t even have a TV! It’s not on principle; it’s bloody poverty!!!!

              Liked by 1 person

                1. Bruce Goodman Post author

                  Netflix and videos is what I need a TV for. The last movie I saw was the first 20 minutes of the first LOTR’s film. I left after 20 minutes because it was so badly acted, but there are quite a few films since that I’d like to catch up on.

                  Liked by 1 person

                    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

                      No – Brokeback M. is on the list… 14 years – goodness – how time has flown! I don’t even have a gramophone… I mean record player… I mean cassette player… I mean CD player… I mean… but I have a Liber Usualis I can use to sing along with the latest hits!!!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. Bruce Goodman Post author

                      Haven’t read the story either…. 😦 and 8-track? I believe I may have skipped a generation. I’m all so very Yesterday ( – the Charles Asnavour “Yesterday” and not the Beatles version!)

                      Liked by 1 person

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