584. Potter Verity

© Bruce Goodman 17 May 2015


How terribly exciting! Verity received a confidential letter from the Government announcing that she was to be created a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire. Would she accept? Would she what! Just write a written acceptance. She could see it now! Dame Verity Hooker! Newspaper headlines: Dame Verity Hooker! It would be on television! Dame Verity Hooker! She even practised her new signature.

She was sworn to secrecy until the announcement. How difficult it was to not tell her husband and children. (Although, she did tell her husband and swore him to secrecy). An excuse was concocted: all the children and grandchildren would gather at her place on the day of announcement for a “catch up”. Just come for a “catch up” said Verity. We need a “catch up”. And indeed, they were all coming.

Verity wasn’t being created a Dame Commander of the British Empire for nothing. She was a pottery expert. For years her pots had won prizes and awards. For years she shared her knowledge with up and coming potters. Verity had her speech prepared: “This award is not just for me; it is to celebrate pottery up and down the country.”

The announcement day dawned. Her name wasn’t there. In the excitement, she’d neglected to answer the letter.

10 thoughts on “584. Potter Verity

    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      Thank you. It’s an hono(u)r that you wrought so. And P.S. Having been a playwright in a former life, I have always thought “wrought” to be one of my favo(u)rite words – and I think a suggestion to some authors to wright rather than write would be a handy thing to do.


    1. Bruce Goodman Post author

      It’s an honour to have Alex as a fan! And I’ll take any award – but a knighthood would be more than satisfactory. The Order of the Bath would be lovely, but stuffed if I want to wear all those white ostrich feathers on my head.



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